TWD: Black and White Banana Loaf

This weeks recipe was picked by Ashlee of A Year In The Kitchen, you can find the recipe in Dorie's Baking and on Ashlee's blog.

To be honest I wasn't impressed with this one, nor were my taste testers. We found it to dense it had too little banana and chocolate taste.

Oh well there is always next week's ice cream to make!


CB said…
Bring on the ice cream!
Clara @ iheartfood4thought
Heather B said…
I'm all for the ice cream too! Your marbling looks great!
Nancy/n.o.e said…
Your loaf is beautiful even if you didn't love it!
Engineer Baker said…
Ice cream makes everything better, right?
Linda said…
You are not alone in not loving this...bring on the ice cream!!!!
Pamela said…
We enjoyed it, but the banana flavor was very mild. I'm excited about the ice cream, too.
Susie Homemaker said…
well, I hope the ice cream treats you better!! looks good though!
Anonymous said…
Yep, yep. Totally agree. It's going to be like ice cream city around here soon.
Natalie said…
Ah, it's too bad you didn't like this one, but there's always the next one!
Anonymous said…
I so agree. Bring on the ice cream!
Anonymous said…
Sorry you didn't like it! The ice cream is much better, trust me!
Mari said…
I agree with Teanna, the ice cream recipe totally makes up for this recipe!
Anonymous said…
Sorry you didn't like it! Did you get to make the ice cream yet? Everyone's looked sooo good. Wish I had an ice cream maker now!

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