I'm Back :-)

It's been quiet a while since I posted here on my blog, I didn't fell of the face of the planet, but thanks to all who asked about my where abouts!

The reason I didn't post anything was that I was remoddelling the kitchen together with my brother. It was some thing that needed to be done for a long time, the old one was probably from the 60's, the stove at least 25 years old. We started a little sooner than expected so I didn't have the time nor energy to post during the process. We took everything out, did new electricity, drains, tiles, ceiling etc. The washing machine was moved to the summer kitchen to free up space for our new 3 foot wide stove. The counter is 9 foot. We put in a dishwasher. Apart from the gas, it was all done by us. And the roof of the summer kitchen and the warm water/central heating unit is replaced too.

But I'm back in business, just in time for tomorrow's Tuesdays With Dorie, picked by Mevrouw Cupcake who lives here in the Netherlands too, didn't want to miss you pick, Mari!!!

What remaines are the before and after pictures, here you go:

Next project, the summer kitchen....


CB said…
w00t! Glad you're posting again! The kitchen remodel looks awesome. Love that hood above the stove. Wanna come over and do mine? HAHA. "See" you tomorrow for TWD! ;)
Sarah said…
Glad your back! Your kitchen remodel is amazing! I'm sure you will be turning out some great things in that gorgeous space.
Mari said…
Your stove looks great!! So glad you're up and running again! Welcome back!
Anonymous said…
Wow...love it...very nice.

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