Weekly Cupcake Collection

After a nice and comfortable eleven hour flight we arrived in Mexico City yesterday. We were here last year too and nothing changed much in the neighborhood were we are staying again, the Roma district.
Had nice chicken fajitas across the street and forgot to take pictures of the food, what a food blogger I am... Or maybe the reason was that it was already 5 AM at home and had been up all day and night.

When I checked my email at the hotel I saw that my Red Velvet Cupcakes were picked for the Weekly Cupcake Collection on All Things Cupcakes! I'm so thrilled, first time I ever made cupcakes :-)

If the time on my posts look odd, the reason is that if I change the timezone on blogger to Mexico City time, it will change the time on all my previous posts too! So odd times it is for the duration of the trip.

It's after 4 AM local time when I blog this, I guess we will be outside early today, oh well that is one of the benefits of jet lag.


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